Was ist white supremacy?

White supremacy is an ideology that promotes the belief in the superiority of white people over other racial or ethnic groups. It advocates for the establishment and maintenance of a society or political system where whites dominate and maintain control over other racial or ethnic groups.

White supremacists often base their beliefs on pseudoscientific theories, such as claiming that white people have superior intelligence or genetic traits. They typically advocate for racial segregation, the preservation of white culture, and the exclusion or suppression of non-white individuals.

White supremacist movements have been active in various countries, including the United States, where groups like the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations have gained notoriety. These movements have been involved in acts of violence, hate crimes, and terrorism, targeting minority groups, particularly African Americans and immigrants.

It is important to note that white supremacy and its associated beliefs are widely condemned as racist and discriminatory. They go against the principles of equality and human rights, as established by international law. Governments, civil society organizations, and individuals often work together to combat white supremacy and promote a more inclusive and diverse society.
